Gold and green at Visuelt!
Thursday, June 6th, this year's Visuelt awards ceremony was held. And what a party it was! 🎉
In the category "Profilbærende Nettside Website," we were nominated with both the website for Snøhetta, designed by Snøhetta Design, and our own website (yes, this one!), which we created together with postpost studio and Morten Kantsø.
Incredibly, our own website won the gold! 🥳 And it suddenly dawned on us that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to compete against our own clients. 😱 Anyway, we were incredibly proud and happy, especially because the jury's comment nicely summed up what drives us. ❤️
"Værsågod's new website offers a celebration of digital craftsmanship! It is refreshing in a landscape of websites that increasingly look very similar. The love they have for their own profession is obvious, both in the visual design and in the thorough execution."
We leaned back, rested on our laurels, and thought it had been a nice evening. But then it was time for special awards. And wouldn't you know it, the website for Snøhetta won the prestigious "The Green", which is awarded to "...a work that in a concrete and visual way contributes to a more sustainable world." 😵 💥
This was beyond all expectations!
Thanks to the jury!
Thanks to our partners!
Thank you!
Thank you!